Hex Joins Daredevils
We are pleased as punch to welcome Hex Mattos into the fold as our guitar player. Hex joins us from the Bomb City Royals, where he will also continue to play. We have always been lucky in finding the right people at the right time, and things just worked out once again. Hex has all sorts of chops and bounced around the SoCal and Texas scenes before coming to NE Ohio. As John Smerek, our long time recording czar put it, "Hex kicks ass". We will find out how much because we threw him into the deep end of the pool. We have written 10 new songs and are furiously learning the hits and misses of our back catalogue. We've got some work to do. Hopefully he learned our last eight records for practice this week. If there's any songs in particular you'd like to see back in the rotation, now's a good time to ask. Sugar doesn't even know all the stuff, so it's a good time to re-learn some old ones. We have some shows booked around the region to get our sea legs and then we'll get back to business. Come on out and see what's doing. See ya soon!
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I will do some homework for the "Cinci" trip and show next Sat at Southgate. Dented Fender is a nice way to get the guitar blood goin.
It makes me so sad that you feel Christian's are so off. But I can tell you Jesus is real. And I can tell you all humans make mistakes and fall short. All humans lie , mess up, and hopefully get up again. It's how we learn. We must learn though otherwise our choice to ignore our lessons catch up. Judging any race, denomination or other seems ridiculous. I think it would be wise for humans to stop looking to humanity to define Christ. No one can represent Christ but himself. And any God who send his own son to die on a cross so we may be free and know love and forgiveness is worth loving. Judging Christ on humans being human seems ignorant to knowing Jesus and His life. Look up Case for Christ where is is proven Christ existed and lived. I could pull down the peda-stool many band singers and members think they are on stage. Eventually becoming ok with a young lifestyle instead of facing real morality. There previous or even now lovers or wives could talk on their pain. But who am I? Not God? And who are you? Not God? May Christ fully reveal himself to you, because outside of your stage life is much more... reality. Much of your words are judgement and just that showing a lack of understanding. Out of love I comment. Be well Greg. See that Christ is so much more than mere human sin and small mindedness
that lemmy shirt is tiiiiiiight!
still waiting...frozen slab mn
play mn
dude, really, i gotta do this again.... the frozen slab is still waiting!!!!!